
A Little Lift To Your Pro Card

Bodybuilding is an incredible sport, and posing before the judges at competitions can be such a thrill! However, once you’ve been lifting awhile, you’ve discovered that undeniable truth: less fat means smaller breasts. And whether you’re competing in NPC or IFBB, regardless of whether you’re competing in Bikini, Figure, Fitness, or Physique, you want to increase your confidence and competitive edge, and that means consideration for the one area you can’t really change through hard work: your breasts. And breast augmentation has probably crossed your mind more than once.

The first step in the decision-making process is a consultation with Dr. Meadows to discuss your breast augmentation options. You will want to talk about your desired breast size, shape and contour, and whether you prefer to have the implants placed under the muscle or over. Placing an implant under the muscle usually results in softer and more natural looking breasts both standing and lying down, and decreases the possibility of unnaturally firm and painful breasts while also improving the reliability of mammograms. If you already have more natural breast tissue, implants placed over the muscle will look natural, and involve a faster and less painful recovery.

Your fellow bodybuilders have already found the best doctor in the Southeast for breast augmentation: Dr. Lionel Meadows. His knowledge of the specific needs and desires of women in the bodybuilding sport, combined with his exceptional skills and caring bedside manner, have put him in high demand; ladies who lift have traveled hundreds of miles to be guaranteed fabulous results.

Want to move up in competitive rankings and earn your pro card? Consider breast augmentation: call us today at (706) 335-3555 (Commerce) or (678) 541-0339 (Buford) to schedule a free consultation with Dr. Meadows to discuss all your options. You’ll be glad you did!​

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