
LDM To The MAG HOD… Wait, What?

This past weekend, Dr. Meadows attended the 2016 House of Delegates meeting of the Medical Association of Georgia as a delegate from the Jackson-Banks County Medical Society, representing Northeast Georgia.

Yeah, that’s a bit of a mouthful. Let’s start over.

The Medical Association of Georgia (MAG) is the leading advocate for physicians in the state and focuses on legislative and legal and third party payer issues. Its mission is to, “Enhance patient care and the health of the public by advancing the art and science of medicine and by representing physicians and patients in the policy making process.” In layman’s terms: MAG makes patient care better.

The House of Delegates (HOD) is MAG’s primary legislative and policy-making body. As a delegate from the Jackson-Banks County Medical Society, Dr. Lionel D. Meadows (LDM) attended the House of Delegates annual meeting in Savannah this past weekend. Over the course of two days, Dr. Meadows was involved with discussions and voting on important issues such as patient safety, access to care, and making our insurance companies more accountable. Again, in layman’s terms: A lot of talking, a lot of voting… the end result is that you get better health care.

What does this mean to you, as one of Dr. Meadows’ patients? It means your voice is being heard. Dr. Meadows brought the concerns of his patients directly to the Medical Association of Georgia, where doctors from all over the state worked on solutions that will directly affect you in your future medical care.

LDM to the MAG HOD for the win!

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