Lip Augmentation in Buford, GA
When we communicate, many things take place. The least of which is that our audience may be watching us and the movement of our mouths. Men and women with unattractive lips and surrounding perioral structures may lead to self-conscious moments. As we age, our lips tend to lose their volume as the skin thins, the subcutaneous fat beneath the skin becomes less and less, and with the constant movement of the mouth over the years, the circular muscle that frames the oral cavity produces radial lines that emanate from the lip much like the spokes on a bicycle wheel. If that is not enough, the corners of our mouth turn down, and if we’re “lucky,” they can become deep enough to collect things. Smoking, sun exposure, genetics and constant movement of the mouth (talking) only exacerbate the situation. It’s no wonder that perioral rejuvenation is a large component of creating a more youthful and attractive appearance whether the lips are moving or not.