
Taking Care Of Business

For some, it’s time to take care of business. That is, your lady business. The business you don’t talk about with anyone. You may be unhappy with how it looks or feels, and may not know that there is a solution.

The size, color, and shape of one’s lady business (the “vulval” area) can vary tremendously; unevenness may occur from birth, and the vulval structures may change due to trauma, childbirth, or aging. Some women may experience physical discomfort, while others are simply unhappy with how things look down there. Labiaplasty is the aesthetic laser surgical enhancement of one or more of the structures of the human vulva.

What is that?

Most people are highly embarrassed to talk about such intimate issues, and some may not even know the names of the different structures that make up the human vulva. Just so we’re all on the same page, let’s explain. The mons pubis is the rounded area of fatty tissue over the join of the pubic bones: the area generally covered in pubic hair when the body is viewed from the front. The size of this area is directly related to levels of hormones and body fat. The mons pubis leads into the labia majora, also known as the “outer lips” of the vulva, the thicker folds on each side of the genital area. The labia minora, the “inner lips,” are comprised of the two flaps on each side of the vaginal opening. The clitoral hood is the area of skin that covers the clitoris. The introitis is the opening of the vagina, which is stretched during childbirth and may remain exposed. The perineum is generally referred to as the area between the openings of the vagina and anus. This is the area that may tear (or be cut in an episiotomy) during childbirth.

What can be done?

You know your body best, and if you’re unhappy with the appearance, size, or color of these areas, you probably know exactly what you’d like taken care of. Dr. Meadows’ solution is Labiaplasty, a blanket term that covers the repair and aesthetic enhancement of any or all of these vulval structures using laser technology. While Dr. Meadows can design almost anything in this regard, the most common requests he receives are:

  • labia minora reduction – our most requested procedure, labia minora reduction is the sculpturing of elongated or uneven inner lips;
  • clitoral hood reduction – reduction of the skin on the sides of the clitoris, allowing the skin to drape neatly over the clitoris;
  • reduction of the size and thickness of the labia majora – restoring a more youthful look to large, protruding, or sagging outer lips due to childbirth, weight gain, weight loss, or aging;
  • removal of hyperpigmented (darker) ends or tips of the labia minora;
  • laser perineoplasty to rejuvenate the relaxed or aging vaginal opening (introitis), labia majora and minora, and the perineum;
  • laser repair of areas injured due to trauma or childbirth;
  • fat transfer to the labia majora to beautifully enhance this area; and
  • “vulvar liposculpturing” to remove fatty deposits in the mons pubis and labia majora areas.

Any of these procedures can be done in combination with Vaginoplasty to address urinary incontinence issues and tighten the vagina for enhanced sexual pleasure.

What are you waiting for?

If you’re not happy with what’s going on with your lady business, it’s time to schedule a consultation with Dr. Meadows and discuss the various options available to you.

Call us today to schedule your consultation at (706) 335-3555 (Commerce) or (678) 541-0339 (Buford).

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